Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Something New

I was recently in Micheal's Craft Store and someone asked me for help because she could not reach something. Not because she was too short-I suffer the same "malady"myself-but because her arm would not cooperate.

We chatted a bit and she mentioned she had Fibro. I replied that I understood since I too had Fibro and some days were definitely better than others. The conversation was quick but she stated she did not have the horrible flairs she once did since her doctor prescribed Neurontin.
I had not heard of it so I brought it up at my next appointment with my RN. She was actually very positive about it and said she was going to recommend it for my insomnia. So we tried it. And I am finally sleeping better. I also have to say that while the exhaustion is not gone it is far better and so is my ability to deal with my pain. Again, it is not gone but it is better.

This is wonderful news and I am sharing in the hope that it will help someone else out there. My husband recently began taking it instead of his prescribed Ambien and finds he actually sleeps better and it is helping him deal with his arthritic pain as well.

I do so love serendipity! I am very grateful that I was where I was and that a stranger shared with me what helped her. It may or may not work for everyone but I am hopeful for the first time in a very long time.