Friday, December 19, 2014

What's a Spoonie?

Spoon Theory

Spoon Theory is one that is used to explain just what it is that many people with chronic illness deal with on a daily basis. The infographic below explains it about the best and easiest way I have found. Anyone that can relate to this can call themselves a "Spoonie" in order to help others who understand the term relate to them.

I kind of use this myself but mostly with others who understand the term. To me it is about energy and my pool is kind of like a energy bank account that I spend from-if I deplete it then it's gone. If I go over my allotted spending then I have a deficit that I have to refill. 

The problem I have with the Spoon Theory is that it also costs me energy to deal with things that are not listed here and that people do not often think of-things like the temperature fluctuating, lack of sun, dealing with bills or other paperwork (it takes me a week to recover from taxes!), not sleeping well, loud noise for any length of time, reading, writing, having to put on a happy face for others' benefit, etc etc. It all costs energy. It is as hard to explain as it is to understand really. On good days I am burned out by 7pm. On most days it is by 4pm.

I really wish I knew where this info graphic came from and who made it so I could give proper credit. I have found it in multiple places on the internet without that credit. If it is yours or you know where it came from, please let me know. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi fellow spoonie!
    I have lupus, so I can relate a lot. I just found your blog and I like it a lot:)
    I pray for an abundance of spoons for you this week! God bless you!<3
